Online Application for 46th TU Convocation
Tribhuvan University has published a notice for online application for 46th TU Convocation. TU has invited applications from students to participate in the 46th Convocation Ceremony.
TU has published a notice requesting applications from interested students to participate at the convocation. According to TU, Students who have passed the undergraduate, postgraduate and MPhil levels and have completed the doctorate in semester or annual examination system in between 2076 Ashad 1 and 2077 Jestha 32, can apply to participate in the ceremony to be held in the month of January. It has been said that the application form should be filled online by November 20, 2020.
To participate in the ceremony, undergraduate students have to pay Rs 3,700, postgraduate and MPhil students Rs 4,200 and doctoral students Rs 4,700.
Of these, 1,500 is for security deposit and the other is for convocation. Students who wish to participate in the ceremony may have up to two parents. Nine thousand 504 students participated in the graduation ceremony held last year.
To fill up the form, Click Here.
Documents Required for TU Convocation Application Form
- Your TU Registration Number
- Bank Voucher
- MRP size photograph- 35mm x 45mm (greater than 300KB and less than 1 MB). MRP Photo requires to be on clear white background facing straight towards to camera. Visible both ears & cap not allowed.
- Citizenship/ Passport (greater than 300KB and less than 1 MB)
- Transcript if multiple page than last page also required to submit) (Above 300KB to 1MB)
How to Fill Up the Form
- Input your Registration number for Bachelor, Master and M.Phil or Name for PhD students to find your grace details. Only PhD students can type name instead of registration number to find grace details. Don’t include front 0 in registration No Example: 7-2-0025-00410-2011 will be 7-2-25-410-2011
- Also you need to include the number of Parents/Guardian Participants (if applicable). The maximum number of guardian you can bring in the convocation is 2. Your total amount to be deposited will be calculated.
- Take a note of your grace number and the amount to be deposited from the website and visit your nearest Global IME Bank or Nepal Bank Limited and ask for TU Convocation Voucher. Or you can download the blank voucher from here. Fill up all the details in the voucher and deposit the amount.
Nepal Bank TU Convocation Voucher Download
- After you have deposited the amount and received the voucher, you will get the Transaction ID written in the voucher. Proceed to the same website and submit the bank transaction details. The voucher will show up only after 2-3 hours. So, you need to try later and proceed to the next step.
- Submit your information. Name in Devanagari using preeti font, Gender, Place, email and mobile number and proceed to the next step. (You need to have a valid email address so that you can get the information from TU about the convocation. Also if you need to edit your details, the edit link will be sent to your email address)
- Upload your MRP photo and proceed.
- Upload your citizenship / Passport front page.
- Upload your transcript of front page (if multiple page than last page also required to submit)
- Submit your bank details for refund of your deposit.
- Agree with “Terms and Conditions”
- Submit final conformation
- Save and print the required documents
- Your gown hire and participation form will also be emailed in your email address.
- If you have any error during the form fill up, you can always request for your form edit link from the TU convocation page after you enter your bank details. You will get the link in your email.
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